All are welcome to join us in worship

We worship together in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am.  Children are welcome in worship.  We have bulletins available, including large print and children’s bulletins.   Printed copies of the sermon are available.  The sanctuary is wheelchair accessible.

At Hillsboro United Methodist Church, we love everyone because we believe that everyone is a beloved child of God. We celebrate the God-given diversity of the human family: every person of every sexual orientation, every gender identity, every nationality, every ethnicity, every ability, every status. We love and welcome you exactly as you are.

The Chosen Resumes 

We will begin watching Season 3 of The Chosen on Sunday, February 23 at Forest Grove UMC. The Chosen is a historical drama based on the life of Jesus and those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Roman oppression in first-century Israel, the series shares an authentic look at Jesus' revolutionary life and teachings. We will meet at 4:00 pm, watch an episode and follow it up with a simple supper and discussion. The meal is planned for the first meeting and there will be a sign-up sheet available for future meals. We will alternate meeting locations between Forest Grove UMC and Hillsboro UMC for eight weeks, ending on Palm Sunday April 13 at HUMC (check the calendar to find out this week’s location). The episodes are not quite an hour each and stand alone as recognizable stories from Jesus life. If you have not joined us before, there is no reason to miss it now, all are welcome. Reach out to Carole Heun with questions.

March 30 Worship

On Sunday, March 30, we will be worshiping at Forest Grove UMC. Rev. Jorge Rodriguez will be leading that worship service. We will be back worshipping at Hillsboro UMC on Sunday, April 6.