Game Night
Whether you are an avid gamer or just want to try something new, all are welcome to join us! From board games to video games, to hanging out with church friends, we've got something for everyone! We meet on the 4th Friday of every month, hope to see you there!

UMCOR Sunday
UMCOR Sunday This special offering covers the administrative costs so that every dollar donated to disaster relief around the world goes directly to supporting those in need. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), provides hope for communities and individuals whose lives have been upset by war, storms or other crises. This ministry is achieved exclusively through your generosity. You can give using the special giving envelopes in worship, mark your check "UMCOR Sunday" or give online at https://bit.ly/HUMCGiveNow and select the United Methodist Special Sunday fund.
Women of Faith
Women of Faith is a shared leadership, women’s book study group. We meet in the church parlor on Tuesday mornings from 10:00-11:30. We usually read 3 or 4 books each year. Our next book will be Eve Isn’t Evil by Julie Faith Parker. It looks at both neglected and well-known bible passages through a feminist lens.

Muffins & More
We share home-baked goods and hot beverages to anyone passing by from elementary school families to graduate students, to people who work nearby to neighbors and pets passing through. Contact the church office to find out how you can help!
Community Trading Post
Our Community Trading Post is where anyone is welcome to shop for free food, clothing and hygiene items.

The Chosen Video Series
We are viewing season two of The Chosen alternating locations between Hillsboro UMC and Forest Grove UMC. Check the calendar for the location this week. The episode will be shown at 4:00 PM (about 50 minutes) and followed by a simple supper and discussion, over by 6:00 PM.

Sunday morning worship and fellowship beginning at 10:00 am. The first Sunday of the month we celebrate Todos Juntos with a bi-lingual service.

ESL Class
The goal of our ESL program is to help non-English speaking adults become more proficient in speaking, writing and reading American English, using a variety of methods. Classes are Thursday evenings, 6:30 - 8:00. Each term is 9 weeks. For more information contact the Pastor Jorge or the office.

Cornell Estates Fellowship
Join us for our monthly gathering at Cornell Estates on the fourth Thursday at 2:00pm (with some exceptions). We gather upstairs in the Cascade Room for snacks and fellowship. All are welcome to come and visit with our members who reside there.

Ice Cream Treaters
Our dedicated ice cream lovers meet at 1:00 pm the first Friday of every month. They meet at different homes each month. Grab your favorite ice cream treat and join the conversation. For more information contact the office.

Human Relations Sunday
Human Relations Day is a special Sunday across our denomination, focused on fostering better relationships and supporting community and youth outreach. On the Sunday before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, we take up a special offering to help bring his vision of a “beloved community” to life. Your gifts support important programs like Community Developers, United Methodist Voluntary Services, and Youth Offender Rehabilitation. You can make your gift using the special giving envelopes in worship, marking your check "Human Relations Day" or selecting the United Methodist Special Sunday tab online at https://bit.ly/HUMCGiveNow

Red Cross Blood Drive
We are hosting a Red Cross blood drive on Friday, July 12 from 12:00-5:00 pm here in the Fellowship Hall. You can schedule an appointment to give online at redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-RED-CROSS. We are proud to partner in this lifesaving work. Blood drives help supply blood to vulnerable people in our community who are recovering from house fires, disasters, armed conflicts and life-threatening health conditions.

ESL Registration
A new term of English as a Second Language begins in September. Registration is from 6:30 - 8:00 pm Thursday January 9. Classes begin the following week.

Christmas Carol Service
Worship will be at Cornelius UMC this Sunday. Cornelius UMC will be hosting a joint Service with Cornelius UMC, Forest Grove UMC and Hillsboro UMC. This service will be a time of singing Christmas carols and reading scripture. Following worship we will enjoy fellowship time together.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
On Tuesday, December 24th, at 8:00pm we will hold a Candlelight Communion service, in both Spanish and English.
The Candlelight Service is one of the most poignant and symbolic traditions of the holiday season. This service invites participants to reflect on the arrival of Jesus, the light of the world, while candles are lit symbolizing hope, peace, and love.

Las Posadas
Las Posadas: A Christmas Tradition of Faith and Community Posadas are a Christmas tradition celebrated in many Latin American countries, especially in Mexico. This holiday takes place the week before Christmas Eve, symbolizing the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem in search of a place to stay.
The event culminates with a celebration that includes prayers, songs, piñatas, and traditional foods, such as tamales and punch. Las Posadas are an opportunity to strengthen the community, share the faith and remember the true meaning of Christmas: the birth of Jesus.
This year the posada will be held on December 22nd at 4:00pm in our church. You are invited, bring your friends and something to share.

Blue Christmas Service
We invite you to our Blue Christmas service on December 18th at 7:30 pm. Come and join us in this moment of mutual support and hope

UM Student Sunday
Originally established in 1872 as the Children's Fund, today, United Methodist Student Day Sunday has the same purpose, calling upon the denomination to support their students as they prepare for life by adding knowledge to their faith. Every year, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry awards an average of $5.5 million in financial aid to United Methodist students. The offering taken on United Methodist Student Day is one opportunity to support these scholarships. Every dollar – yes 100% - received goes towards supporting and educating a new generation of principled Christian leaders for the church and the world. Currently, there are over 70 scholarships available for undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral United Methodist students.
Your gift is a practical expression of care, equipping students to shape a hopeful future. Supporting United Methodist students offers both financial and spiritual encouragement, demonstrating the church's confidence in their potential. Mark your donation “UM Student Sunday” or give online at https://bit.ly/HUMCGiveNow

Children's Sabbath
We will be celebrating the faith of our children and youth on Sunday October 20th when our own youth are joined by the Forest Grove United Methodist youth to present worship at 10:00am in their own way.

Charge Conference
This annual meeting of church members is an opportunity to share reports and vote on issues including new board members. Anyone can attend, but only church members may vote.

World Communion Sunday
World Communion Sunday is a denomination-wide celebration emphasizing the value of education and training. We commemorate this day by giving generously to support young adults and make a global impact for Christ. Half of the offering benefits World Communion scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students from the U.S. and other countries. The remainder provides grants to support training for worldwide inclusion, diversity, equity, and access.
Your gift is a practical expression of care, equipping students to shape a hopeful future. Supporting United Methodist students offers both financial and spiritual encouragement, demonstrating the church's confidence in their potential. On World Communion Sunday, we join ecumenically in acknowledging our unity in Christ as we gather around His table. Mark your donation “World Communion Sunday” or give online at https://bit.ly/HUMCGiveNow

Ministry Fair
Love reading and discussing books? Enjoy being in the kitchen? Do you like to sing? Meet all the ministries and groups that help us grow personally, and help our neighbors. Join us on Sunday, September 8, right after worship for refreshments and an opportunity to talk with the different groups at HUMC.

Ecumenical Worship
Labor Day weekend marks the end of summer, back to school and our annual Hillsboro Ecumenical Worship Service. This year we will worship at the First Congregational UCC church (5th and Main in Hillsboro). Worship begins at 10:30 followed by an opportunity to gather and share a meal. The participating church’s will be providing food to grill and ask that you Please bring a side dish to share. There will also be a bouncy house for the children. There will not be a worship service at HUMC that day.

Senior Resource Fair
You Are Not Alone On Sunday, August 4th, from 12:00 until 4:00 pm HUMC is hosting a Senior Resource Fair with representatives and informational flyers from multiple organizations. Some of the participating organizations include Meals on Wheels, Washington County Library Services, Retirement Connection, the Veterans Administration, Mobile Memory and Anthology Senior Living. We often say, 'aging is not for sissies'. The Senior Resource Fair will showcase organizations that support aging in a positive way. Please join us!

Family/Kids games at Forest Grove UMC.
Forest Grove UMC Youth and Family Ministries Coordinator provides fun youth and family events. You can see a list and RSVP to all the events here.

Right Path Health Screening
RightPath Health Screenings will be here on July 17 to provide comprehensive health screenings. You can get a complete cardiovascular ultrasound and a complete abdominal ultrasound. Each test is $150 or you can have both done for $200. Single tests take 30 minutes and both tests take 45 minutes. You must make an appointment on line at https://july172024.youcanbook.me or call 602-254-7130. For more detailed information click here.

SOAR Citizenship Classes
SOAR Immigration Legal Services will be holding Citizenship classes to prepare Green Card holders for the Naturalization Interview and Exam. This class will be every Tuesday beginning April 2nd and ending June 25th. For more information contact SOAR.

Peace With Justice Sunday
United Methodists relate to this special Sunday by seeking peaceful solutions, creating and supporting peace-related ministries in their conference and learning about peaceful, just efforts around the world. Donations for this special Sunday support programs and ministries to educate, equip and mobilize actions in support of identified Economic, Health, and Gender Justice Priorities. Your Peace with Justice Sunday gifts change lives in places where the joy of knowing Christ is mixed with the tragedy of violence. We will have special giving envelopes in worship or select "United Methodist Special Sunday" when giving online at https://bit.ly/HUMCGiveNow

Community Garden Work Day
Come help prepare our community garden. Bring your tools! Rain or Shine

Native American Ministries Sunday
This Special Sunday is a denomination wide celebration designed to raise awareness and remind United Methodists of the gifts and contributions made by Native Americans to our society. The offering supports vital ministries and churches in the Native American communities. The offering allows The United Methodist Church to partner with existing native ministries to develop new programs on behalf of Native Americans. Mark your donation “Native American Sunday” or give online at https://bit.ly/HUMCGiveNow

Easter Worship
We will celebrate Easter Sunday todos juntos (all together) with a bi-lingual service. Join us as at 10:00 am.
Easter Fellowship
Join us on Easter Sunday at 9:00 a.m. to decorate the flower cross and enjoy Fellowship time before Easter service at 10:00. Bring some flowers to help decorate the cross and food you would like to share.

Good Friday Prayer Walk
Join us for a prayer walk through Downtown Hillsboro. We will start at the Hillsboro United Methodist Church (HUMC) at 11:30am, then work our way Downtown, with several prayer stations along the way. We will end back at HUMC for lunch. All are welcome to participate.

Holy Thursday Service
Holy Thursday will be at 7:00 pm at Forest Grove UMC 1726 Cedar St, Forest Grove, OR 97116